How to Felt Wool in a Front Load Washing Machine

How to Felt Wool in a Front Load Washing Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide

Felted wool is a popular material for crafting and is commonly used for making hats, scarves, and other accessories. While felting wool is traditionally done by hand, it is possible to felt wool in a front load washing machine. This method is not only faster but also more efficient than traditional hand-felting methods.

To felt wool in a front load washing machine, you will need a few basic supplies, including wool fabric, a washing machine, and laundry detergent. It is important to note that not all types of wool are suitable for felting, so be sure to choose a wool fabric that is labeled as “feltable” or “pre-shrunk.” Additionally, it is important to use a front load washing machine, as top load washing machines are not suitable for felting wool.

Felting wool in a front load washing machine involves several steps, including preparing the wool, setting up the washing machine, and running the felting cycle. With the right tools and techniques, felting wool in a front load washing machine can be a simple and rewarding process.

Understanding Wool Felting

Felting is a process that involves the interlocking of wool fibers to create a dense, non-woven fabric. This process is achieved by subjecting the wool fibers to heat and agitation, causing them to tangle and interlock. The resulting fabric, known as felt, is strong, durable, and water-resistant.

Wool fibers are unique in that they have scales that run along their length. These scales allow the fibers to interlock when subjected to heat and agitation, creating a dense and compact fabric. When wool fibers are felted, they undergo a process of matting, shrinking, and interlocking, resulting in a fabric that is much denser and stronger than the original wool fibers.

Felt wool is a popular material for a variety of applications, including clothing, hats, bags, and home decor. It is also commonly used in crafting and DIY projects.

When felting wool in a front load washing machine, it is important to ensure that the wool fibers are properly prepared and that the right amount of heat and agitation is used. Too much heat or agitation can cause the wool fibers to felt too quickly, resulting in a dense and stiff fabric that is difficult to work with.

Understanding the process of wool felting and how it works is essential for achieving the desired results when felting wool in a front load washing machine. By following the proper techniques and using the right equipment, you can create beautiful and durable felted wool fabric that is perfect for a variety of applications.

Preparing for the Felting Process

Felting wool in a front load washing machine can be a fun and easy way to create unique and durable knitted or crocheted objects. Before you begin, it’s important to prepare your materials and equipment to ensure the best results.

First, make sure you are using 100% wool yarn or a knit fabric made from 100% wool. Superwash wool will not felt, so avoid using it for this process. If you are unsure whether your yarn or fabric is suitable for felting, you can do a swatch test by washing a small sample in hot water and checking for shrinkage and texture changes.

Next, shape your knitted or crocheted object into the desired form before felting. This is especially important if you want to create a specific shape or size, as felting will cause the object to shrink and lose some of its original form.

When you are ready to begin felting, place your object in a mesh laundry bag to prevent it from getting tangled or damaged during the washing process. Add a small amount of detergent to the machine, but avoid using fabric softener or bleach as these can interfere with the felting process.

Finally, set your washing machine to the hottest and longest cycle available, and let it run through the full cycle. Check on your object periodically to ensure that it is felting evenly and not getting too felted or matted in one area.

Choosing the Right Washing Machine

When it comes to felting wool, choosing the right washing machine is key. A front load washing machine is the best option for felting wool, as it provides the agitation and hot water necessary to felt the fibers together. If you don’t have a front load washing machine, you can still felt wool in a top-loading washing machine, but it may take longer and require more effort on your part.

Front load washing machines are designed to be gentle on clothes while providing enough agitation to get them clean. They use less water than top-loading washing machines, which is important when felting wool, as you want the fibers to be tightly packed together. Additionally, front load washers typically have a faster spin cycle, which helps to remove excess water from the wool, making it easier to shape and dry.

When choosing a front load washing machine for felting wool, there are a few things to keep in mind. Look for a machine with a variety of cycle options, including a hot water cycle. Some machines also have a wool cycle, which can be helpful for felting. Make sure the machine has a large enough drum to accommodate the amount of wool you want to felt.

It’s also important to consider the brand and model of the washing machine. Look for a machine with good reviews and a reputation for durability. Some popular brands for front load washing machines include Samsung, LG, and Whirlpool.

Materials Needed for Felting

To felt wool in a front load washing machine, you will need a few materials. Here is a list of the essential items you’ll need:

  • Wool: You’ll need wool fabric, yarn, or roving to felt. Make sure it is 100% wool, as synthetic fibers will not felt.
  • Detergent or soap: You can use a detergent specifically designed for wool or a mild soap such as dish soap or castile soap.
  • Laundry bag: A mesh laundry bag will help protect your washing machine from loose fibers and prevent your wool from getting tangled.
  • Tennis balls: Tennis balls will help agitate the wool and promote felting.
  • Jeans or blue denim: Adding some old jeans or blue denim to the wash cycle will also help agitate the wool and promote felting.
  • Zippered pillowcase: You can use a zippered pillowcase to contain your wool and prevent it from getting tangled.

When selecting your materials, make sure to choose items that are appropriate for your washing machine’s size and capacity. It’s also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your washing machine and any products you use. With the right materials and care, you can successfully felt wool in your front load washing machine.

The Felting Process

To felt wool in a front load washing machine, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, make sure that you use hot water for the felting process. Cold water will not be effective.

Next, set your washing machine to a short cycle with a gentle spin. This will help to prevent excessive agitation, which can cause the wool to shrink too much.

When you load the wool into the washing machine, make sure that the load size is appropriate. If you overload the machine, the wool may not have enough room to move around and felt properly.

During the felting process, the wool will shrink. This is normal and expected. However, if you notice that the wool is shrinking too much, you may need to adjust the water setting or the agitation level.

Once the felting process is complete, remove the wool from the washing machine and gently squeeze out any excess water. Do not wring or twist the wool, as this can cause it to become misshapen.

Post-Felting Care

Once you have successfully felted your wool in your front load washing machine, it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure it stays in good condition. Here are some tips for post-felting care:


After felting, your wool may have lost its shape. To get it back into its proper shape, you’ll need to block it. This involves stretching and shaping the wool while it’s wet and then allowing it to dry in that shape. You can use blocking mats or towels to help with this process.


To help remove excess water from your felted wool, you can roll it up in a towel and apply pressure. This will help it dry faster and also help smooth out any wrinkles or bumps.


It’s important to dry your felted wool in a cool, dry place. Avoid using a dryer or exposing it to high heat, as this can cause the wool to shrink or become misshapen. Instead, lay it flat on a towel or drying rack and allow it to air dry.

Smooth and Relax

Once your felted wool is dry, you may notice that it’s a bit stiff. To help it become softer and more pliable, you can gently stretch and smooth it out with your hands. You can also use a fabric steamer or iron on a low heat setting to help relax the fibers.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Felted wool can sometimes present some challenges, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

Lint and Lint Filter

Lint can be a problem when felting wool, but it’s easily preventable. Make sure to clean your lint filter before starting the felting process. This will help prevent lint from getting onto your felted wool. If you find that there is still lint on your felted wool, you can try using a lint roller or tape to remove it.


If you notice stains on your felted wool, don’t panic. First, try spot cleaning the stain with a mild detergent and warm water. Be sure to rinse the area thoroughly and allow it to dry completely before continuing with the felting process. If the stain persists, you may need to try a more specialized stain remover or take it to a professional cleaner.

Stretched Out

If your felted wool has stretched out during the felting process, it’s likely due to agitation. Try reducing the agitation level on your washing machine or decreasing the amount of time you spend agitating the wool. You can also try felting the wool again to help it regain its shape.


Shrinkage is a common issue when felting wool, but it can be easily managed. If you find that your wool has shrunk too much, try stretching it back out while it’s still wet. You can also try blocking the wool to help it regain its shape.

Advanced Felting Techniques

If you’re an experienced felter, you may want to try some advanced felting techniques to create unique textures and designs in your felted wool. Here are a few techniques to consider:

Machine Felting

Machine felting is a great way to create a consistent texture across a large piece of felted wool. You’ll need a front load washing machine with a hot water setting and a spin cycle. Start by placing your wool in a mesh laundry bag and adding it to the washing machine. Use a small amount of detergent and set the machine to the hot water setting. Let the machine run through a full cycle, including the spin cycle. Check the wool periodically to ensure it’s felting evenly.


Fulling is a technique that involves agitating the wool to create a dense, sturdy fabric. To full your felted wool, you’ll need to agitate it by hand or with a washing machine. Start by wetting the wool and adding a small amount of soap. Rub the wool vigorously to create friction and help the fibers bind together. You can also use a washing machine to full your wool. Place the wool in a mesh laundry bag and add it to the washing machine with a small amount of detergent. Set the machine to a hot water cycle and let it run through a full cycle, including the spin cycle.


Dyeing your felted wool can add depth and dimension to your projects. You can use acid dyes or natural dyes to create a wide range of colors. To dye your wool, you’ll need to prepare a dye bath and soak the wool in the bath for several hours. Follow the instructions on your dye package for best results.


Applique is a technique that involves adding a layer of fabric or felt to your felted wool to create a design or pattern. To applique your wool, you’ll need to cut out your design from a piece of fabric or felt and sew it onto your felted wool. You can use a variety of stitches to secure the applique, including whip stitch, blanket stitch, and running stitch.

Creating Felted Wool Projects

Felted wool is a dense fabric that is created by matting wool fibers together. This process involves washing the wool in hot water, which causes the fibers to tangle and bind together. Once felted, the wool can be shaped into a variety of objects, such as bowls, plates, hats, Christmas ornaments, and even blankets.

To create felted wool projects, you will need to start with raw wool roving or yarn. You can purchase these materials online or at a craft store. It’s important to use 100% wool, as other fibers will not felt properly.

To felt the wool in a front load washing machine, follow these steps:

  1. Fill the washing machine with hot water.
  2. Add a small amount of laundry detergent.
  3. Place the wool in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase.
  4. Put the bag with the wool in the washing machine.
  5. Run the washing machine on the hot water cycle.
  6. Check the wool periodically to see if it has felted to your desired level of density. If it hasn’t, run it through another cycle.

Once the wool has felted, you can shape it into your desired object. For example, to make a felted wool bowl, you can mold the wool around a bowl or other round object and let it dry in that shape. To make a Christmas ornament, you can cut out a shape from the felted wool and add embellishments like sequins or beads.

Final Words

Now that you know how to felt wool in a front load washing machine, you can start creating your own felted projects at home. Remember to always use a high-quality wool and to avoid using fabric softeners or harsh detergents during the felting process.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create felted items that are durable, soft, and beautiful. Whether you’re making a cozy sweater, a warm hat, or a decorative pillow, felting is a fun and rewarding craft that anyone can enjoy.

If you’re new to felting, it’s important to start with simple projects and work your way up to more complex designs. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of wool, colors, and textures to create unique and interesting pieces.

Remember, felting is a process that requires patience and attention to detail. Take your time, follow the steps carefully, and you’ll be amazed at what you can create. With a little practice, you’ll soon be a master at felting wool in your front load washing machine!

Clever Laundry